This will be the most expensive production that Nottingham Operatic have ever staged: the final budget is expected to be well above £250,000. As we are required to stage a new and original production, not a carbon copy of the London production, this requires considerable investment into set, costumes, props, lighting, insurance etc.

As an example, for a company of our size, the music hire alone is more than £7,000!

As is usual in amateur productions, there will be a performance fee which contributes towards these increased production costs. This will be £250 for those in the Les Misérables company / principals. This will include the following payments:

  • £20 non-refundable application fee for remote (self-tape) audition

  • £30 non-refundable fee to cover workshop, ensemble and principal auditions

  • £200 remaining balance for successful applicants

This balance can be paid in monthly instalments, and we will email you with a QuickBooks invoice for each part of the performance fee.

We don’t want the performance fee to be an obstacle for anyone offered a role in the show. If you are successful in your audition, there will be an opportunity to speak to a member of the Casting Panel in confidence if paying this fee is a concern.

Please pay your fee using the following bank details, and please use your invoice number as the reference:

Nottingham Operatic Society HSBC

Cast and Ensemble members who are not currently members of Nottingham Operatic will become guest members of NOS for the duration of this production only.