Les Misérables - Let the People Sing!

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Tickets for our next two productions in 2025 are on sale now, online and from the Theatre Royal box office - be sure to book today!


Next Show…


Les Misérables - Let the People Sing!

For the first time ever at the Theatre Royal - a brand new amateur production of the world’s most popular musical, Les Misérables, in celebration of the show’s 40th anniversary

Nottingham Operatic are thrilled to have been asked by Cameron Mackintosh and MTI to lead one of eleven amateur premieres of Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schönberg’s multi-award winning musical phenomenon, Les Misérables.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Nottingham Operatic Society invites you to enter a world of pure imagination as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory arrives at the Theatre Royal for the first time in October 2025!

Don’t miss out on your ‘golden ticket’ for this brand new production, from the company that brought you the spectacular Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Guys & Dolls.

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Our Society


Nottingham's leading amateur musical theatre company with a reputation for spectacular and professional productions

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Nottingham Operatic Society has performed over 135 shows and concerts in all of the City’s famous venues.

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One of the oldest amateur musical theatre companies in the UK, we have been entertaining audiences since 1894.

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A registered charity since 1958 we are passionate about supporting people to enjoy live theatre in Nottingham.


Our Spiritual Home


Since 1925 our spiritual home has been the wonderful Theatre Royal Nottingham.

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Wig Hire


Wig Hire UK proudly boasts a wide range of top quality Wigs, Moustaches and Beards for Theatrical use. From the centre of Nottingham and with over 300 different wigs in stock we provide high quality wigs for musical theatre, plays, pantomime, opera, ballet and film. Get in touch and one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible to see if we can support your production.

CONTACT US TODAY wighireuk@nottinghamoperatic.com

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Get Involved!

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